As devoted Shih Tzu enthusiasts, we understand that grooming your beloved four-legged family member is not just a necessity but a way to express their unique personality. In 2024, we’re excited to share the top 5 trendy Shih Tzu haircuts and grooming styles that will keep your Shih Tzu looking chic and comfortable. Our mission is to provide you with the best information to make your furry friend stand out in style. So, let’s dive into these fabulous grooming options for your Shih Tzu!

Puppy Cut

The Puppy Cut, also known as the Summer Cut, is a timeless favorite. It’s perfect for hot days, keeping your Shih Tzu cool and adorable. With a uniform 1 to 2-inch trim all over the body and slightly longer facial hair, it’s easy to maintain, requiring regular brushing and occasional trimming. If you prefer a longer look, you can let it grow a bit, but remember, more hair means more brushing.

Teddy Bear Cut

Want your Shih Tzu to resemble the cutest stuffed animal around? The Teddy Bear Cut is the answer. With a 2 to 2 1/2-inch trim all over, including the ears, and longer facial hair at about 4 inches, your pup will be irresistible. This style is fairly simple to maintain, but watch out for tangles, and keep up with regular trims to keep your furry friend looking their best.

Practical Top Knot

Just like we need to keep our hair out of our eyes, your Shih Tzu feels the same way. The Practical Top Knot style is long all over the body, with enough hair on the head to create an impressive top knot. Accessorize with clips, ribbons, or barrettes to showcase your pup’s personality. You can trim the rest of their hair as short as you like, but make sure it doesn’t obstruct their vision or get into their mouths.

Top Knot Show Cut

For those with the time and dedication, the Top Knot Show Cut is a showstopper. It’s an extremely long style with hair cascading from the back down to the feet. This majestic look requires daily brushing and grooming, making it a favorite among show dogs. However, be mindful of your pup’s comfort, especially in the warmer months, as this style can be a bit toasty.

Lion Cut

Transform your Shih Tzu into a charming little lion with the unique Lion Cut. This style focuses on accentuating the hair around the face with a trim of 1 1/2 to 2 inches on the body. The face gets a mane-like cut, giving them a regal appearance. Keep their body trimmed with clippers or schedule regular grooming sessions every four to six weeks to maintain this chic look.

Have Fun; Don’t be Afraid to Try New Shih Tzu Haircuts!

Shih Tzu haircuts and grooming styles offer a delightful way to express your pet’s personality and ensure their comfort. Whether you opt for the low-maintenance Puppy Cut or the majestic Top Knot Show Cut, your furry friend is sure to turn heads.

Remember, the goal of any haircut should be the health and happiness of your pet. Regular grooming sessions not only keep your Shih Tzu looking sharp but also provide an opportunity to bond with your pet, check for any skin issues or parasites, and ensure their coat remains in excellent condition. Whether you choose to visit a professional groomer or take on the task yourself, the key is to ensure that the experience is positive and stress-free for your furry friend.

If you’re on the hunt for your very own Shih Tzu companion, check out our available Shih Tzu puppies at Little Puppies Online. We have a variety of adorable Shih Tzu pups waiting to become a cherished part of your family.